Sunday, March 15, 2009

living drama

Sometimes,things follow in such succession that you can't help feeling affected, no matter how work-oriented/ business minded you are. Not to say I throng from the very practical squad yet whenever and whatever I'v set out to do over the past few weeks has inadvertendly been subjected to some kinda drama taking place in the country. Now I haven't such a penchant for politics whatsoever, but what we witnessed yesterday was nothing short of madness.You were forced to stay glued to the idiot box and watch the drama ensuing the nation over. My dad left for golf early morning,
only to find the roads blocked, on three alternative routes and we were neatly tucked in our own neighbourhood, calling it such a perfect Sunday. Long March and Lathi Charge. Slogans and Speeches. Throw in the absurd notion of blocking text messages, in addition to news channels and the general roads to anywhere. The public presenting the social circus. Even on Skype, it's all my friends would about. Thank Heavens for peace this morning!

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