Friday, March 20, 2009

Rainy Days

Kurt Cobain said it best,

" I'm worst at what I do best,
And for this gift I feel blessed,
I found it hard, it was hard to find,
Oh well, whatever, nevermind"
- Nirvana, Smells like Teen Spirit.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

small world, big things

Just came across this, at one of my friends' facebook,what a high for us desi football fans!

random sighs

Watching Revolutionary Road lastnight, I was reminded of my utter impatience at sitting through something that long, Hollywood flicks for the major part are nothing close to the Hindi ninety minute marathons. Still, the ordeal of stifling yawns and stuggling to keep eyes open is something you don't wanna do,especially while trying to wind down with a movie. Overall good work, could have ended better though.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

living drama

Sometimes,things follow in such succession that you can't help feeling affected, no matter how work-oriented/ business minded you are. Not to say I throng from the very practical squad yet whenever and whatever I'v set out to do over the past few weeks has inadvertendly been subjected to some kinda drama taking place in the country. Now I haven't such a penchant for politics whatsoever, but what we witnessed yesterday was nothing short of madness.You were forced to stay glued to the idiot box and watch the drama ensuing the nation over. My dad left for golf early morning,
only to find the roads blocked, on three alternative routes and we were neatly tucked in our own neighbourhood, calling it such a perfect Sunday. Long March and Lathi Charge. Slogans and Speeches. Throw in the absurd notion of blocking text messages, in addition to news channels and the general roads to anywhere. The public presenting the social circus. Even on Skype, it's all my friends would about. Thank Heavens for peace this morning!

Friday, March 6, 2009

i *heart* khi

Of all the things in the world (city), I miss Karachi most for my favourite Vintage Joint- Sunday Bazar, Defence Phase VII.

make lists

Make lists, not resolutions ( I have a slight something against the word).

To-Do lists, crossing out after the do has gone to done with your favourite highlighter. The joy!
Lists of places you went to.
Lists of people you met.
Lists - of colors and textures, sound and smell, keep 'em in a small note pad or diary, post its and refer regularly or plant a calender with all it's days doodled in color and cheer! Fun along your days.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

room for improvement

I love the study-cum-bedroom I'v gotten, in the new house. The aura of all those books from various genres lined up neatly in the wall unit among photos here and there, a few favourite animation and stuffed toys, pot pourri, urns, the revolving chair and the dusky lamp lit air is so my kind of playground. Had the beds made something like I saw at Habitt a couple of years ago : low lying planks with no head piece and single units, to serve the purpose of sofa-cum-beds all the same. Rooms are the places that boast of your personal tastes, mine being a plethora of books,books and more books. Like a sanctuary of sorts. Being a studyroom, it's got books, journals, magazines and gadgets from all over the house, so it's a bit of a public affair when your guests keep walking in to glance through the book titles and all. Still working on getting a workable dressing table and unload the 'things' serving as bedsides. I'v always been something of a momento junkie and a bit private one at that. Still have to find a place for the paraphernalia, collected over years and journals seasoned since. Need to fix my digi-cam, though the thought of a new one's just as tempting. Also decide on a theme color, as for now it's all experimental, the drapes are primtive white, grey and pink, the matting's peachy brown and cushions many earth tones. Pathwork-esque.
It's the ambience of a living library and a bedroom to be re-buffed.